Working and making your own costume is really difficult. Especially something like a quad suit. I'm in school right now and also have a part time job. It's rough. So if you're look for some advice here it is, take a break! The costume will still be there when you come back. Relax for a little while and don't even look at your costume. Solve the issue you're having trouble with then go back to it. Sure the convention will still creep closer but don't let that freak you out more. You have time (unless it's the night before. In that case you better get someone to help!).
On that note I'd like to announce that I'm back on duty! My sister helped me with duct taping myself for my very own duct tape dummy!! For those of you confused a duct tape dummy is like a mold of you body that you can use to make sure your costume looks right and everything before you put the glue/needle to the material.
What you need:
Some old clothes that you can cut up. Stay away from thermal shirts! The tape doesn't like sticking to that type of fabric
Duct tape (I used only 1 and a 1/2 rolls of just some basic silver)
someone who is comfortable seeing you semi-naked.
newspapers or something to stuff it with.
What you do:
I started from my ankles and had my sister just start taping. Make sure you're in the position you want your costume to be in!! The duct tape is meant to hold that specific shape so I used my stilts as she duct taped me. Remember: it doesn't have to be pretty. It's not an actual piece of you costume, just a base for you to use. When all of you is duct taped (legs, torso, arms, butt, everything but your head and stilt area) then whip out the scissors. I started at my neck going down the back. Be careful with the scissors, they can still cut you! Try not to cut all the way down the back, just until you feel loose enough you could probably get out of it. Next I did my arms, starting at the wrist and then cutting until I could slip out of it. Then I went to my ankles, I would recommend going up the back (along your calf) and cut until you can slip out. The reason why you don't want to cut all the way to the seams of your other cuts is because it hold up better if you do the smallest cuts possible. When you are finally released from your cast then tape a small portion of the seam back up. Stuff what parts you've taped and then move onto the next section. Stuff until stiff.
Time taken: it took us about two hours to tape and cut it off. Longer to stuff it.(ran out of newspapers).
Extra notes/hints: make sure you use the bathroom before. Whatever you do, don't be ticklish! Use a chair when your partner or yourself gets sore or tired.
So I think this will really help me with my costume and I look forward to using it a lot!! If you think it's a worthless step then that's up to you, but it might make things more difficult later on!
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