Current Costume

Current Costume: White Wolf Quadsuit

Saturday, June 22, 2013


So in other news, our state has decided to host it's own comiccon!! Although I'm not a huge comic book fan my elder sister is so she bought us both tickets. It's coming up in September and is really short notice so we're having a hard time deciding if we should dress up or not. Our plan (if we did something) would be to wear our superman and batman shirts (with capes attached) and some pleated skirts in the superhero chick fashion. I'm both excited and nervous. They've invited so many guests and I've NEVER been to a convention this big before. The biggest one I've been to has only just hit something like 3000 people. So if you have any hints and pointers to give about attending a huge con like this let me know because anything would be welcome.
Update on Kazuma's head frame:
So when they say check to make sure your material is solder-able. They mean it. It didn't destroy my head or anything it just didn't seal my joints as well as I want. So here comes the handy dandy dad to save the day! He found this lovely thing called Flux (?) that is supposedly a bonding agent and that we should use his blow torch instead of a soldering iron. I've never really worked with a blow torch before but since I'll get to play with fire (with adult supervision) I'm still excited.  We'll see how it turns out. Pictures to come.

On another note. My sister and partner in crime has expressed interest in posting on the blog as well about her adventures in crafting her cosplay. She's working on making animated wings which is so versatile in many costumes and cosplays that I can't imagine it not being useful. So please look forward to her posts and pictures!