Hello all. Well the convention is gone and past and so is my quadsuit making. For at least a couple years. The stress has done me in (along with the glue fumes). Well anyway I promised many pictures and many videos of the process of making my quadsuit. I just want to remind you that the blog is called the n00b costume maker for a reason! I am very much a beginner and have done things wrong or done it a much harder way. You don't have to follow exactly what I do because I can guarantee that there is probably a much simpler way to do it. (If that makes any sense). Basically I'm a beginner, so yes it looks terrible and give me some leeway. Banzai 2012:
Now I ran out of time (again, big surprise) so I never had the change to actually sew my seams down and so bits of it ended up splitting. But I'm not fixing it for next year. It's going to stay as is for a couple years.
I do just want to put out there that if you have any questions on something I did Please feel free to contact me at diaryofan00bcostumemaker@gmail.com I'll try my best to help you with what I can and I hope I can be helpful.
Thank you! and please look forward to my next costume I'm making for Banzai 2013 which is:
King Kazuma from Summer Wars!
Current Costume
Current Costume: White Wolf Quadsuit